210 Restaurant & Live Music Lounge

Booked Band Information Page

We’re so glad we booked you! Let’s get a huge crowd and rock (or jazz) out!

If you haven’t already filled out the 210restaurant/information-for-bands form please do that now.

FRIDAY/SATURDAY BOOKINGS: If you have any questions please feel free to call or email your production manager, Mark Tulloss, at 312-545-3865 or [email protected].


What we need from you:

STEP ONE-Promotion! Promotion! Promotion!

  • Please make a Facebook Event page right away! We use the Facebook Event pages for our main website calendar and we want to start getting people excited about the show ASAP. (If you’ve never done this, here’s how.)
    1. Title
      • The title should be Your Band Name - Live@210 That’s the band name, then a space, then a hyphen, then another space, then Live@210 (Live@210 is all one word) with a capital L and no other punctuation
    2. Public, not private event:
      • The default on personal page events is private! It cannot be changed after it is created, so this is important to get right at the beginning. Change the event to public. On band/musician pages events are public by default so this won’t be a problem
    3. Description box on Facebook Event:
      • Describe the type of music your band plays
      • Include bios of the band and band members. Content is good!
      • Include links to your website and links to video or audio so people can hear what you sound like and get excited about the show
        • Hyperlinks should start with https:// so should look like https://www.webaddress.com where you insert your link in place of the italicized address here
    4. Tickets:
      • Leave this block empty
    5. Family-friendly
      • The answer to this is typically yes Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday. Can be yes or left unchecked for Friday/Saturday.
    6. Event Photo:
      • The event photo you upload has to work in a horizontal format, because that’s just the way Facebook event and cover photos work. Best is a high-resolution landscape (horizontal) photograph (784×295 pixels, to be exact, but you can try uploading your picture and see how it looks even if not that exact size)
    7. If you are having any issues with this, just give us a buzz. Mark from Coffee Cup Productions at 312-545-3865
  • Please send to [email protected]
    • Logo image (disregard if in EPK)
    • Other band images that can be used for promotion. You should already have uploaded a horizontally oriented picture for the Facebook page and 2 or 3 other pictures that will show you and/or your band in a favorable light. If not please send now.
  • Promote early, late and in-between!
    • 210 will do everything in it’s power to promote the show, but we know you have your people and your connections. Please send emails, make phone calls and get the crowd excited on Facebook right away to ask your people to save the date.
    • Come by the restaurant for dinner and try a few things so you can share from your heart how great the food is. We make our money from food and beverage, so if people wine and dine, we’ll be that much happier to have you back again. 🙂
    • Two weeks prior to the show (or whenever you thing is right for your audience) send out invites from your Facebook event and another email to your list to ask them to come and to make reservations for dinner so that they can have the best seats in the house! We can even reserve couch sections for customers that are planning to dine at 210.
  • Note: Coffee Cup Productions reviews all promotional materials to see if there’s any way they can help you to achieve greater success in marketing and promotion. If they don’t contact you and you would like to have their assistance, contact Mark at 312-545-3865 or see their website for more details.

STEP TWO-Preparing for your arrival

  • Fill out the form on the bottom of this page
  • Please send to [email protected] a stage plot (for Friday & Saturday night shows, or large productions on other nights) You can use this resource to create a stage plot
  • Guest Reservations. We will make room for your guests!! Please provide any necessary information so that we are able to make sure your guests are taken care of.

STEP THREE-Day of show

  • Let us know how many cars to expect-parking is provided for the band in the back of the venue. From Green Bay go east on Prairie (Route 22) to the alley marked “210” and “Restaurant Parking”. The load-in door has a “210” logo on it. We request that additional parking for cars not requiring unloading be parked across the street at the School of Rock on Prairie.
  • Friday/Saturday load-in is 7pm with a line check at 8:45 for a 9pm start, unless otherwise specified. Note: For bands contracting recordings, videos, photography or other production services, an earlier load-in and sound check will be arranged.
  • Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday load-in 6:30, line check 6:45 for 7pm show. (This is subject to change if the production format changes.)

Note: CCP is the exclusive production company for 210 Restaurant & Live Music Lounge. No outside production is allowed without prior approval.

Band name
Contact name:
Email address:
Phone number:
Your website:
YouTube channel:
Audio link
Any additional production needs, (e.g. we need two additional mixes for in-ear monitors):
How many inputs will you need? Please specify all drum toms and number of keyboard channels. Most bands use between 12 - 20 inputs. With notice, we can accommodate up to 32 channels.
What other inputs will you be using? We have a wonderful Hammond A100 which uses 3 inputs. We have a beautiful grand piano, but it is off the stage, so may be of limited use except in jazz groups that play off the stage.
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